Try as we all might, it simply isn’t realistic to eliminate plastics from our daily lives or our municipal and business operations. What we can do right now is stop any more waste plastics from ending up in our landfills, oceans and waterways. This is why Braven exists.
01 / Zero Ocean and Landfill Impact

02 / Modular, Local Solution

04 / Minimal Emissions

03 / Comprehensive Processing

05 / Valuable Second Live Uses

Zero Ocean and Landfill Impact: Waste plastics are redirected from landfills and waterways to localized Braven facilities, halting their perilous impact on our oceans and waterways.
Modular, Local Solution: Significantly reducing the carbon footprint and cost of transporting waste plastics by meeting the need at the source with our BRT™.
Comprehensive Processing: Braven facilities are capable of processing mixed waste categories 2, 4, 5, 6, including plastic film and bags using our Braven Reactor Train™.
Minimal Emissions: Pyrolysis—not incineration—safely breaks down waste plastics to their original molecular form, allowing for the creation of second life materials, with minimal emissions.
Valuable Second Life Uses: For every ton of plastics processed, Braven will produce close to 200 gallons of Braven PyChem™. Braven PyChem™ has two primary uses: as a building block for new plastic production, allowing for true circular-life plastics production; and as a substitute for traditional fuel products, generating second-life fuel.

At our first commercial facility in
Zebulon, North Carolina
an average of
12,000 tons of waste plastic
can be processed each year with
just one unit

resulting in approximately
2.1 million gallons of Braven PyChem™

What is Braven PyChem™?
Braven PyChem™ is a building block of second-life plastics and alternative fuel.